Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Intro, SwW Cover Art, and Updates

Hi, I'm Steph. Happy New Years. I don't talk a lot, but I work hard. I'm sure the more I do this blog, the more I'll come out of my shell. Screwing with Wizards, Part One is finished except for the cover art. It was finished before Christmas except for the cover and cover art, which I'm doing myself for now. I've never made digital art like this before and I'm learning more about Adobe™ PhotoShop (CS2 free release) than I ever thought I would. Here's the cover journal so far:

Original sketch scanned via phone camera.

Inked with Pen Tool in PS (that was a learning curve).

"Final" image (I'll probably paint it one day to fix it up)

There's still a lot of work to go on the cover, but everything is ready to go and get published on Amazon™. Should be up in the next week hopefully. This cover has taken a way too much time and has taken a lot of time away from my writing, but now I have new PS skills so I can do things a lot faster next time. I hope SEIA gets some artists soon so I won't have to make my own cover next time I need one.

I'll try to write more later and put up some samples of SwW so anyone interested can read it.

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